In God We Trust

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Lost Phone or I Phone

I lost my phone!! Nothing new in this day and age but it made me think, and indeed relies, how much the phone means to me. Most of the pictures on this blog have been taken with my phone. I just started to document some of the things (events, gigs, life) that I'd seen. It came a time when I'd got a job that enabled me to see a lot of "art". The term is used loosely to cover events and performances I've experienced.

Many of the groups I've seen and documented wouldn't term them selves as artists. Many of them have fought to be recognised as such and have felt marginalized because of the lack of respect for their craft. There has been a constant lack of recognition for the intellect and creativity of these groups. A constant failure to see how forms such as be bop within jazz have made contemporary classical composition possible is an example ( I know it has been said but I'll point it out again). An example of this debate can be found on the sustained theatre website.
Sustained Theatre

Anyway, the phone is lost, all my numbers, contacts and pictures. But what it does mean is an opportunity to start again. Possibly an I phone because I love my macs. May be not because they can be a target (same way I don't have an I pod) and I'd be even more upset about the loss !!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Carnival Soon

It's almost august and carnival time. Doesn't time fly. Its like waiting for Christmas. I haven't been so involved this year because of the move to the south east but I'm still looking forward to it and I'll be in the middle of it once again. Thinking about the place for the after party. A good place to be would be the Masons Arms. I'll put the link up here if I have the time (or inclination).  

Also good to see the mas bands at Notting Hill Carnival. These are the true heart of carnival and give it its colours and flavour that makes it a world class event.  Best place to see them are at the judging point. 

Friday, 18 July 2008

Loop Festival

Great day. Got stuff done and now its the weekend. Listening to great sounds on the Loop Festival website. It can be found at Loop Festival . Great site and you can here the bands they have on during the festival. It's an Electro Music festival that seems to have a good selection of music with wide influences. I think I'll go. Could be a good day. 

Music From In God We Trust

My Music 

You should check out my page on reverbnation (the above link). It has all the current tunes from In God We Trust, concept band in search of an idea. I'll put up more songs when I get the time over the coming weeks. The idea is to document my creative output with these pages. What I see, what I produce what my phone sees. Other wise it will all stay in a digital wasteland.  

The music is dark but can dance. Don't know what place I was in but still proud of it, like it or not.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Out Door Arts or Art Out doors

So what is it ? Arts out doors or out door arts. It take place out doors? does it really matter. To some it does. It started life as outdoor art but in the south of england is now called arts out doors? What's in a name? 

Lets start by talking about the Elephant in the room. Or really I should say in the city. It has obsessed the organisation I work for since its arrival and will continue to do so until 2012. Problem is its French. It's what socialism can really do for you. 

This is  step up. I started on twiter and now I have a blog The lengths I'll goto to get my music on the web!! The idea started today after seeing a blog from an executive director for my organisation. (this will remain nameless). You can find me at twiter as bryce44. Music is at